Marek Mariański

Managing Partner – Legal Advisor

Untitled-2 +48 22 299 64 14

Untitled-2 mmarianski@nawratmarianski.pl


Real Estate Law

Succession Law

Administrative Procedure Law



Managing Partner

Co-founder the Lawyer’s Office, long-time public administration employee. Advisor of companies from the construction sector.



He has been preoccupied for several years with the widely understood real estate law.
During his practice he conducted numerous complex proceedings concerning regulations of entitlement to property , division of immovable property, expropriation and indemnity.
Specializes in real estate law, succession law and administrative procedure law.


Lawyer’s service

Represents clients in court proceedings , administrative proceedings and court and administrative ones.



Counselor Marek Mariański is a member of the Warsaw District Chamber of Legal Advisers and graduated from the Law and Administration Department of the University of Białystok.
He has good command of English.
